
25 Sep 2018
Startboard(印度之夜) A wrap-up for India Theme Night

,致力於協助在台的東協與印度國際人才媒合創業資源STARTBOARD為能提升台灣本土與國際人才的鏈結並增加留才機率,期舉辦東協印度主題之夜,於活動中與優秀企業先進共同交流 ──本期,楊聯智董事長擔任印度之夜演講嘉賓,與新創團隊國際人才分享他的印度經驗與對市場的觀察
STARTBOARD is especially grateful for our keynote speakers, Nikhil Pathak, 寇安南 Ananta KarArpita Dutta and Chairman Nicholas Yang, who equip our audience with crucial takeaways,
and also for 社會創新實驗中心青創總會, @Taiwan Startup Terrace, and B面相繪 - 致傷友的Henna繪製計劃, which offer us abundant resources to make sure every detail is handled with delicacy.
Last night would not be legit without all of STARTBOARD friends' company! We genuinely appreciate your time and concern for us and for issues we care about.
Let's look forward to another new publication that captures our indelible time together and the next Indonesia Night! STARTBOARD will catch you next time!